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Miyoba Hamuhuma

Miyoba Hamuhuma


Economically empowering mothers of children with disabilities and championing the rights of children with disabilities in Zambia. Read more

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OSV Grant 2024 Winner, Miyoba Hamuhuma.

KEY VALUES: In all settings, represent standards of character; Philanthropic, Teamwork, hard work, Result-oriented, Family commitment.

Career Motivation: When I see vulnerable communities (where I have worked) are empowered to take control of their own lives enabling them live in dignity.I am Miyoba Hamuhuma, a Zambian male who is 46 years old. I am a wheelchair user having contracted polio when I was a child.

Despite inaccessible infrastructure at our universities, it did not deter me from attaining a higher education and I am happy that my perseverance has been a motivating factor to younger people with disabilities. I am a holder of a postgraduate diploma in Disability Administration and Rehabilitation, Diploma in Entrepreneurship, Degree in Social Work, and a Master of Business Administration. I was awarded at DMI-St. Eugene University in Zambia for coming out the second-best MBA student for the 2016 intake.

I am a 2018 NGO Management US State Department International Visitor Leadership Program Alumnus and gained a lot of knowledge on NGO management, inclusion and networking. I have worked for one of the largest disabilities organisation, Cheshire Homes Society of Zambia (CHSZ) for 15 years of which 10 years of those years, I was the Country Director. It is at CHSZ where I got most of my exposure and became famous in championing inclusive education and the rights of people with disabilities. I enjoyed favorable coverage from the news outlets. Several of the news outlets used me as their source of news on disability. In addition to this, several Embassies accredited to Zambia, Civil Society Organizations, Disabled People’s Organizations and individuals always engaged/still, engage me on disability issues. During my time at CHSZ, the EU, Comic Relief, Miseroer and Leonard Cheshire International Inclusive Education funded projects enrolled a total of number of 4,500 children with disabilities in ordinary schools.

Because of my strong stance on promoting inclusion, rights of people with disabilities, experience in Ngo management, leadership etc. saw me being awarded with a medal in 2010 by the then Vatican Ambassador to Zambia. In 2023, Rehabilitation International (RI) in New York, USA equally awarded me with the RI Centennial Award for my Significant Contribution in the disability sector in Zambia and worldwide.  Currently, I am the Founder/Executive Director at Enlight Abilities Organisation. In my tenure at this organisation, with the Enlight Abilities team, we have managed to promote inclusive education by lobbying ministry of education in Eastern Province to ensure that children with disabilities are enrolled in ordinary schools etc. Finally, I am happy to have been featured in the Global Network Article for 2023.

Top Goal

To advocate for increased enrollment of children with disabilities in the local mainstream schools to promote inclusive learning.


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