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Miroslav Stodic

Miroslav Stodic


Building new paradigm of the time-series analysis through synthetic quantum field theory and a new type of the renormalization group approach. Read more

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OSV Grant 2024 Winner, Miroslav Stodic.

After concluding theoretical physics studies in the United States and taking some graduate courses on space science and engineering in Europe, I decided to fully devote myself to clearing own path in the inter-disciplinary science research. Of special interest to me were always research directions that remain largely under-explored in both academic and applied modern science. Cornerstone of my work, however, is putting time-series analysis on a new, more physics-type foundation that goes beyond the mathematical (non-)linear, state-space, and Machine Learning methods.

This new approach is based on my insights of how to redefine time-series as massless/massive quantum field oscillations with the particular focus on the following three areas: (i) relativistic quantum field symmetries in the time-series context, in particular (semi-complete) gauge invariance, Poincaré symmetry, technical naturalness with the custodial chiral symmetry ("stochastic preference"), and conformal/scale anomaly; (ii) Feynman diagrams with fermionic loops and path integral formulation; (iii) Pauli-Villars-type regularization and discovery of a new renormalization group approach that differs from Wilson's and continuum approaches. This research work could loosely be related to the positive operator-valued measurement (POVM) paradigm in the quantum information theory and computing.

In other research interests I have material for potential patent application in practical realizations of quantum cryptography through Heisenberg's uncertainty principle ("ice-cube" protocol) rather than quantum entanglement (e.g. BB84, B92). Redefinition of financial time-series as quantum fields can also throw a new light on still open questions in physics (e.g. fine-tuning and hierarchy problems, strong CP problem, etc.) through understanding and redeployment of standard concepts of the financial markets that are largely absent or overlooked in the modern physics.

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Top Goal

Finish with the coding, perform optimizations, and test more datasets of at least electro-weak interactions.